Monday, August 24, 2009

The Seven Year Itch

I invited a few friends to a surprise seven year itch anniversary party to celebrate John putting up with me for seven years. I had just been "itchin'" to have a party. John was surprised.

He had his suspicions, but I had just gotten back from being gone a week and our house was a mess, so he thought there was no way I would have a party under those circumstances. I did, however, get everything done in time (barely... Trevan even dusted the furniture for me, if that tells you anything), and I did have to forgo putting tags on the favors (backscratchers).

I invited people over for seven desserts and seven games; John's favorite things (besides me and the kids).

I made a few of his favorites, oreo chocolate cheesecake, texas sheetcake cupcakes, lemon bars, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, blueberry pie, a chocolate pudding dessert made into tarts, and of course his other favorite, ice cream.

While everyone was waiting for John to come home from work, I had them do a few games.

I had them rank seven of the craziest things I have done in our seven years of marriage (how they thought John would rank them), here's how John ranked them 1 - being the craziest...

1. Made John take produce back to WalMart

2. Paint our walls orange

3. Throw bananas at his feet

4. The day we went to the lake with Jon and Candi

5. Make us leave our house in search of somewhere to eat, only to come home without any food because nothing sounded good

6. Start a business that keeps me up until 2AM

7. Try to get John to go skinny dipping in Florida

I do need to add that the majority of those crazy things I did happened when I was pregnant, to give me a little credit. Pregnancy and crazy hormones....

They also ranked John's seven least favorite things about me. :) Here's how John ranked them...

1. Back seat driving freak outs

2. Making his "to do" lists (just for the record, he told me he likes that I do this...)

3. Holly's shopping habits

4. Not cleaning bathrooms or doing dishes (again, for the record, he agreed before we got married that he would do these things...)

5. Letting the kids eat in the living room

6. Keeping the kitchen table and our whole house covered in crafting items

7. Never getting gas in the car

The winner of these two games got a prize of Hydrocortisone cream.

The party guests also took this quiz, and I added the answers here.

1. Who asked who out on a date first? Holly asked John

2. Who doesn't like to sleep under the covers? John

3. Who was late to their wedding? John

4. Who said, "You might could get lucky if you go to the dance with me?" Holly

5. Who bought who a train ticket to meet their family for the first time? John

6. Who talked who into buying a king sized bed? John

7. What candy reference did John use to tell his friends about his first kiss with Holly? (This was multiple choice with the correct answer being, taffy.)

The winner of the quiz received taffy as a prize. Actually, the same person (our neighbor, Chris) won both games.

I also made up a marriage/wedding/anniversary version of scattergories, and the same thing in a charades, and taboo combo.

It's always fun to eat and play games with friends! Happy seven years John!


Tara said...

Wow. How fun. That is a great idea! Maybe I should do something like that for J.R. and I's ten year. You have the best ideas!

Jen said...

You are so creative Holly! Start thinking of me an idea for our 10 year anniversary in May!

Michelle said...

I wish we lived a little closer so we could have come to celebrate your anniversary with you! sounds like you had a fun party! Happy 7 years!

J said...

We had a great time -- thanks!! :)