Wednesday, October 2, 2013

When all else fails...go shopping?

I think I'll be taking deep breaths a lot today...

- Since drop down sided cribs were outlawed what's a mom to do to put down her sleeping baby???? Drop them in the crib, you say?  That's right, DROP them in the crib.  Then they wake up and rarely go back to sleep!  (Who's child is this anyway?!?!)  It's ridiculous, and I can't stand it.  What are all you shorter people doing???!??!?  I keep saying I'm going to get a stool, but I haven't yet... 

- Jonah is hungry ALL DAY LONG.  It's getting on my nerves. 

"I'm hungry...  I'm hungry... I'm hungry... I'm hungry." 

He had a banana about thirty minutes ago.  He told me ten minutes ago he was hungry and wanted another banana....


Not even kidding, he just said it again and my head almost exploded.

More protein for breakfast you say?  Doesn't work.  The boy has like five breakfasts.  I feel like I am feeding him all day long or telling him, "No, you just ate!"  

- Try letting a baby cry it out in their crib only to have your three year old go open the door constantly, because "He's crying.  Mom, he wants you!" Or putting your baby down for a nap only to have your three year old start banging buses together as loud as he possibly can.  I tried doing puzzles to keep him quiet, tried to turn on a movie he would like to watch.  You're guessing those must not have worked because I'm here venting on my blog.

- All my kitchen utensils are in the living room... I confiscated the rolling pin when Jonah was swinging it too close to Everett's head.  I also confiscated the cheese slicer... for obvious reasons...  I choose my battles and all the other battles today seem much greater.  However, I hate that I have to wash (or John or Trevan has to) wash all those extra things on days like this. 

- Also, Jonah seems to need to flush the toilet 500 times after he uses the bathroom.  And, I'm not talking about the double flush that my husband preaches about to help keep the stink out of the bathroom... My water bill has got to go up for all of these flushes.  So, now after every flush I hear my spare change swirling down the toilet. 

- Have I finally gotten the child that my mother said I was???  She said I never (or rarely) took naps.  Everett is my first child to wake up at the slightest noises, not transfer well, doesn't sleep in church, take cat naps.  I mean, he's still pleasant and not whiny (unless I put him in his crib when he doesn't want to take a nap), but oh my word go to sleep little stinker - mama's got stuff she wants to get done!

- Bonus! I just pulled a Lego out of Everett's mouth... 

My friends, I believe today is going to be a long day... 

Actually, I think I'm going to go shopping...  


Sarah said...

Hm, Is this what I have to look forward to? Hee hee. ,<3

Sofia L said...

Yeah when I have a long week with the kids I go shopping first thing Saturday morning no matter how tired I am. Right now Sam is locked in his bedroom because he pushed the door closed when I went to change his diaper and it made me fall in to a sharp edged shelf. Out of fear of hurting him I locked him up. Luckily he isn't crying right now. I'm glad you said you want him to sleep so you can get stuff done. I thought I was the only mom that felt that way. Oh and as a short person the reason we switched Sam to his bed way before everyone else was because I dropped him in the crib. Doesn't your mattress go up? I purposely bought the shortest crib on the market that had reviews from short people. We don't use with the girls and I hope we never do. I hope today is a better day!

Caroline said...

Ok, I must be an awful mom because I didn't even know you weren't supposed to use drop-down cribs anymore:( good thing, my Katie is almost out of hers. At least you have places to go shopping......I just have to online shop

Holly said...

Sarah - to some degree... yes. :)

Sofia - The mattress goes up, but Everett is tall and standing now... so it can't be at the top. and even at the top I felt like I was dropping him in. We've had ours since Trevan and it wasn't economical to get a new one.

Caroline - Ha! They were recalled. You can call the number on the crib and they can send you a piece to make your crib not a drop down crib anymore. Online shopping can be more dangerous... :) I was just thinking about you a city girl living on a farm the other day, and it made me chuckle. Though I would love that life close to a city... :) I pretend I do with our yard going up against a cow pasture.