Friday, March 15, 2013

#hashtags #craycray #imsonotcool

Let's talk about hash tags...

Have we really thought about these things? 

To me, they are just going to be like booties/shoeties and I'm never going to understand them.  I know everyone else loves them, but I'm just not cool enough. 

Kind of like when my niece lived with us and everything had an abbreviation.  I started saying
'probs' for probably, and 'cray cray' for crazy.  I mean, it was just cray cray.  If I were to use hashtags it would be:


Translation - crazy in the neighborhood.

I found that very difficult up there, I kept wanting to put spaces in between all the words.  Is that a hash taggers beginner troubles?  #hashtagprobs

I think whoever invented the use of hashtags was some computer programmer that failed English in high school...

He or she was just confused...

Does a period go at the end of a sentance?  No, I think the beginning.  Wait, is it a period or a pound sign?  Oh yeah, I think it's a pound sign.  I think we should call it a hash tag instead of a pound sign, that sounds cooler. 

Okay, I get it.  Hash tags started with tweeters, but they are spilling out into everyday lives people.  I know hash taggers have to use hash tags in their thoughts, because I did the other day and I've never written a hash tag in my life.  That one above, my first hash tag.  But, maybe because it wasn't used on Twitter or Instagram it doesn't count.  So, I'm still a hash tag virgin I guess. 

Yesterday, I built an awesome train track for Jonah, and for reals thought to myself...  "If I had a smartphone I would take a picture of this and under it put, #bestmomever #motheroftheyear etc. etc.  (Seriously, people how do you resist putting spaces in between your words? That was so hard!) But, I don't have a smart phone.  I have a phone, I kid you not, that I saw last week in a random documentary based in a third world country where a kid IN THIS THIRD WORLD COUNTRY was using the same cell phone I use!  If it hadn't been so late I would have called some of my friends to tell them my phone was kind of a celebrity.  They make fun of my phone. Obviously they have a reason to. 

I know, I know, hash tags are search tools, it also helps people find you, think you are funny/clever/whatever and then they will follow you.  Why do we need to be followed again? 

Have you heard of 'The Five Love Languages" book?  In it, you can take a test to see what your love language is, well I didn't get a single point for affirmations.  I guess I don't need praise.  My sister scored the same in that.  We joke that we already know how cool/awesome we are so we don't need people to tell us.  In fact it makes me kind of uncomfortable when someone does hand it out.  Is that weird?  So, when I'm saying 'No, stop.' I'm not just saying that and really am fishing for compliments, I really want you to stop because it's making me uncomfortable.  So maybe that's why I don't get the whole I want 5,000 people following me concept of twitter and hash tags?  Good thing I wouldn't care about people following me, because this post shows I am not cool and would have no followers.  I guess I'm okay with that. 

Though, I'm not going to lie, there's some pretty funny tweeters out there. 

But, seriously have you really thought about how hash tagging is so trendy now?  I think it's becoming a little out of control.  I've seen some hash tags where literally the person has written a paragraph but just used incomplete sentences and hash tags instead of periods.   

I just had a fabulous idea...  I actually think it would be a fun party game to spend the evening just talking in hash tags!  A hash tag party!  Who's in??


jen said...

I understand the thought behind hashtags origins - the same as categories or tags on a blog post. In theory, you are grouping your random thoughts posted at different intervals into cohesive groups that you can then search. I use #babyjonnifer for instagram and twitter posts about pregnancy and this baby. I have also long used #ilovemyhusband on my blog and have carried it over to twitter and instagram when i'm sharing something Jon does.
However, I think you're right in that some of them are out of control. My sister is a good example of one of those people that uses 20 different hashtags in a 5 word comment. But she's young and she is all about social media and she's still using them so people can find her post when they are searching various things.
Then you have the people that use them for humor - Becky W. being an awesome example of this. She uses a lot of hashtags but they are rarely to categorize and usually always to add humor to her posting.
PS - I've had a cell phone for 12 years and I'm only on my 3rd phone. I had the same phone for 4 years until last week when i got an iPhone. It's freaking awesome. :)

Sofia L said...

I didn't even know you had a cell phone. I thought you only used your land line. I was jealous and thought wow I wish I could live without a cell phone. My cousin calls them electronic leashes. Anyone can get a hold of you any time they want. I don't get the whole hash tag thing either. If everyone uses the same hash tag as you then how are you going to find your stuff? It does help when you're looking for something like a project and want to see what other people have done but then again google image search does the same thing.

Holly said...

Jen I wish your husband could come to my house and knock out my to do list!!! Mine would say #ilovejenshusband :) I think in 30 years when my kids are reading this, will they be like, "what are hash tags???" :)

Sofia - That's really funny. I've had the same phone for almost 8 years! Same battery and everything! :) It's only on when I'm out and about. I have it only for safety really.

kerri ann said...

#imwithu #forrealz