Saturday, May 29, 2010

Midnight Mothering Moment

Okay, so this is more of a fathering moment I had to record.

Lately, Mallary goes to bed, but then about 30 minutes later she decides she doesn't want to be in bed anymore.

Her get out of bed free pass is, she tells us she has to go "poopy."

At first, we thought it was just a delay tactic. It actually is, but she has gone poop on the potty more times than not. No, she's not potty trained yet either.

Tonight, she did not want to be in bed.

After she went potty one time (she ended up going three times) I could hear John being totally annoyed.

Him to Mallary: Do you just want to go to bed in five hours?

Mallary: No.

John: Do you want ice cream?

Mallary: Yes.

John: Do you want a lot of candy?

Mallary: Yes. (At this point, you could hear the excitement in Mallary's voice, like she couldn't believe daddy was going to give her these things.)

John: Well, then go to bed and you can have some in the morning.

Mallary: Nooooo...

John: If you go to bed now, you can eat all the candy and ice cream you want in the morning.

He was getting desperate, can you tell?