Friday, October 2, 2009

The Deal

Here's the deal. I've been busy. Just plain busy. And tired. For the past few months I can count on one hand how many weekends we've actually been home. We haven't even unpacked completely from our camping trip the first weekend in September. Seriously. Prior to that, we had been gone every weekend. Basically we would get home, do laundry, and repack from the pile of clean laundry on the guest bed. There is still laundry piled up to be put away. Eventually, I will blog about all those trips... I've done two shows, and had a lot of orders to fill, which I'm thankful for - busy equals money, but busy also equals a little insanity. Let's be honest.

I've been wanting to blog, I've had so much to record, but couldn't bring my brain to function to do so. I started one post last week, and left it up on the screen because I hadn't finished writing it, and John read it and asked who accused me of something. I didn't know what he was talking about. He said, I sounded angry. So, needless to say that post didn't get published... Really, I wasn't angry about what I was writing, I just felt passionate about it, but it came across angry. So, obviously I needed another little blogcation. So, maybe in December I'll get around to blogging about my summer vacations. Something else besides Christmas to look forward to, right?

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