Saturday, May 23, 2009

Home decor and more!

Things were looking a little droopy around here.

I like having plants in my house, though it seems they don't like living in my house. John wants me to get fake plants, but I like having real ones. (For the record there are four other plants still living.) Some of these plants have been dead for a really long time. The ugly, withered leaves have been haunting me, pleading to be thrown away. Well, I finally got around to getting some new ones.

One trip to the nursery, one trip to Home Depot, and two allergy attacks later...

Did you know?

(The following taken from the tag of this plant that was put in our half bathroom)

"Ironically, Lucky Bamboo is actually not a bamboo at all, but rather a Dracaena! Lucky Bamboo is the primary plant recommended for improving Feng Shui and for creating spaces where you feel safe and more energized to meet the demands of today's high-pressured world."

Good thinking on my part to put this in our bathroom! While sitting on my throne I totally need to feel safe and energized to meet the demands of today's high-pressured world.

1 comment:

cbonitab said...

Thats funny. Your kids are so health consious. your plants look awesome.