Wednesday, May 6, 2009


My first time ever eating Litchee (spelling?) John ate this on his mission in Malaysia, so now I can say I have eaten it too. It tastes sort of like a plum.

Marianne was queen of, "Look there's a mango tree, look at the plumeria tree, look there's papayas." All day, every day.

Here's some bananas.


Noni (Tahitian Noni ring a bell?) This fruit smells absolutely icky!

The largest pummelo I have ever seen in my life. It hid my face, but not my bed head.
Dad drew a face on it.

It really didn't taste that great. I have only eaten one once before and it was sweeter than this one.

"Look, there's a banana tree!" Who am I?

More papayas. This fruit smells like vomit. I can eat it in something, but not fresh, by itself.

Marianne liked to stop at fruit stands. We stopped the day we got there and got pineapple covered in some red powder, I forget the name. She said it was really popular, I called it Hawaii crack.

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