Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"The one with the white hair"

I'm lucky enough to have a really great father-in-law. I couldn't have asked for a better Grandpa for my kids. He is so sweet and enjoys being around his grandkids. When Trevan was smaller he called Spencer his Grandpa with the white hair.

Mallary and her Grandpa Hamilton

Anyone that knows Trevan knows that he will play with you to death. Seriously. Morning to night and longer if you'd let him. Spencer has always been so great when he comes to visit. Literally playing with Trevan ALL DAY. You occasionally hear him tell Trevan he is going to go rest, or take a break, but Trevan always talks him into playing longer. It is the cutest thing.

On this particular visit, Trevan and Spencer sat at the table for half the day. I don't think I have ever seen Trevan sit in one place that long in his whole life. They played a lot of our games. Spencer would let Trevan make up the rules to the game they were playing. It was so funny, and adorable.

John's parents have nine children, so you often see Spencer holding more than one grandchild at a time.

Spencer and his grandson that is named after him, and Mallary

Spencer with Trevan and his cousin, Leah

Spencer and Gerri with Trevan and Leah in both pictures above.
Spencer holding Mallary

He helps out with the kids so much when he comes to visit, he deserves all the naps he can take!

Gerri and Spencer with Trevan

I'm really thankful that my husband had such a wonderful example of a father in his life. John is such a great dad, and I know that I can thank his dad for a lot of that. John is willing to help out, and play with his kids, and I know he learned that from watching his great father. John talks about the wheat pancakes his dad always made on weekends, and so it was natural for John to make breakfast on the weekends, because that is what his dad did (and my dad did too, so it was also my expectation).

Thanks Spencer for being such a great father to create another great father, and for being such a wonderful Grandfather! Happy Father's Day! We love you!

1 comment:

cbonitab said...

that is so sweet!!! He's so cute!