Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Can you feel it?

Warmer weather must be coming,

because my toenails have awakened from their winter hibernation.


becky said...

Spicy -- love it. Mine are currently red, but next time I'm going to have the nice Asian lady paint them HOT PINK! :)

Sarah said...

ooooh, very cute! i like the color!

Tara said...

How fun. With all boys in my house, I usually don't even think about it.

Holly said...

Thanks. I would tell you the color, but I am too lazy to walk upstairs and look. I have had it forever anyway, do they sell the same colors forever? Opi stuff lasts a long time, that one is at least three years old!!

Honestly, I did a really bad job, and only one coat (lazy), and my feet were pretty scuffy looking, but I was so excited, because that means sandal weather must be almost here!!!