Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thanksgiving 2011

Jonah reviewing the Black Friday ads

Liver anyone?  Yum!  :)

My brother has always carried his kids on his shoulders

Lanning with the finished product - just a little cray cray

Mallary had a fun day!

The guys doing just dance
Lanning had his Eagle Court of Honor the day after Thanksgiving

One of the kids swiped a lick of the cake before we started - I don't know if it was one of my kids or my nieces or nephew...  That blue icing turned Mallary's poop to a bright blue? or green?  The hazards of not blogging right when stuff happens, you forget what color poop was...

Laurajane was mad at me...  :)

A rare picture of my Grandma laughing.  Wearing her new wig.

My brother roasting Lanning - it's a family tradition

He looks so excited.  He was just glad to be done!

I remember there was some issue with his shoes that morning, but I don't remember what it was.  I know he was trying to decide between different shoes to wear... 

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