Thursday, May 13, 2010


I now have a blogging partner.

He lays on my lap (my leg is falling asleep) and occassionally gives his grunt or squirm of approval.

He's very cute and snuggly.

This cute and snuggly guy has also shaken things up a little bit.

My other kids are testing me.

To Trevan and Mallary: "Yes, I will still give you a time out for the same reasons that I gave you time out before Jonah was born!" Little stinkers.

I haven't brushed my hair since Sunday... Yikes!

I have brushed my teeth.

My husband falls asleep before he can rub my back at night... or do I fall asleep before I notice him rubbing my back... we'll never know.

I've hit the "I'm starving all the time" feeling that comes when nursing a baby.

I'm able to sit a little bit longer on this hard chair... more posts to come soon.

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