Tip#1: I know it gets old cleaning up the same old floor morning and night. So, go to Grandpa's house and clean the floor there! Everyone needs a change of scenery now and then!
(If you don't have a Grandpa's house to go to, ask your neighbor if you can feed your child dinner at their house tonight. Better yet, ask your neighbor if they will feed your child dinner at their house tonight!)
Tip #2: Can't get your child to eat her peas? Give her a plastic easter egg, put some peas in it, and watch the miracle unfold.
(John put some peas in it first and gave it to her. We knew she thought they were going to be jellybeans at first (she can't get enough of those since Easter) and even when she saw they weren't jelly beans she still ate them. She was probably pretending they were. She had fun filling up the egg with spaghetti too.)
Tip #3: Is your floor getting filled up? Move the party to the walls! (Where is the mother?? How could she let her child write on her walls??? Thankfully, Trevan caught Mallary, and called me before she could do anymore!!)
Tip #4: Are you sick and tired of your floors being spotless? I know I am! Here is the solution, let your child build a fort in your spotless floor, it will be spotless no more!
(Left overs from Trevan's fort)
Tip #5: All busy mom's need time saver tips. Here's mine. Don't take the time to do your sweet little girls hair.
Tip#6: Save money on clothes and let your little girl wear big brother's jammies!!
(This is why my dad and John threaten to cut Mallary's hair when I'm not looking. On a really good day I will do her hair even though we are just going to stay at home. I will do it for church on Sundays for sure, and usually when we go out somewhere, but it may not look perfect. Admittedly, I thought when I had a girl her hair was always going to be done with cute little bows, etc. Well, I have the cute little bows, but somedays I just don't care. The jammies - I didn't think of this soon enough. Mallary has a ton of pajamas, but a while ago I thought, why don't I look through Trevans old clothes and let Mallary wear his pajamas? So, that's what I did, and that's what I will continue to do. She has plenty of cute girly pajamas, but now I won't have to buy so many. I honestly wouldn't put my boy in girl pajamas though. Actually, John probably wouldn't let me do that. I said I would never make my girl wear her brother's hand-me-downs because I remember as a little girl wearing my brother's hand-me-down underwear.)
Tip#7: Your kids like to play pretend, right? Well, why don't you pretend you are having a slumber party... all day! Let them enjoy being in their pajamas from sun up to sun down. I like it so much, I was sure they would like it too!
(Confession: This really does happen in my house, and I'm just a teeny tiny bit embarrassed about it, but not really, or I wouldn't be sharing. Sometimes if I get in a groove working before they get up and during breakfast I don't want to take the time to stop to change their clothes, or mine. Honestly, it doesn't happen as much as it used to, but we still have our days!)
Tip#8: Can't seem to get your laundry folded and put away? Have your children help you! Though you can forget about your towels being folded in thirds.
(Sometimes the laundry gets folded the night before and placed on the arm of the chair to be carried upstairs. If it is not carried upstairs, and I forget to do it the next morning, without fail Mallary has the laundry strewn across the living room floor immediately following breakfast
Tip #9: You need a look out.
If you don't have an older child, hire one.
Lucky for me, Trevan is a big helper. If I had a quarter for every time I hear this ("Mom, I need you.") during the day, I would be a rich woman. I know to come running if I hear Trevan say those words, because Mallary is in the process of doing something she shouldn't.
Do you have some tips you could add for a Tuesday Tips post? Email me your pictures and tips! Seriously.
Awesome! The day and life of a mom right there. I love it! I will try to capture Gavyn's and Jarom's moments for you. Like Gavyn giving me a speciman sample cause he had so much fun doing that at the Dr.s. Where was my camera for that?
i can't get enough of your tips. they make me laugh!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these tips. You're killing me!
I'm going to send you an "Amazing Mom Medal." But only if you promise to wear it! ;)
Most food is MUCH easier to clean off the floor if it is allowed to sit there and dry out, especially things like eggs, pasta, and rice, which tend to smear if you try to sweep too soon. So procrastinate. If you have an ant problem, or pets, or a crawling baby, you may not ever have to sweep, if you wait long enough!
Put sibling jealousy to work for you! TwoYearOld doesn't want to put on coat (or any other clothing item)? Call over OlderChild (who is usually delighted to play along), and say, "OlderChild, don't you want to wear this nice coat?" This produces instant results 95% of the time.
If you don't have an older child you can pretend to put the item on a younger baby, but this doesn't always work as well.
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